Where Desire Meets Destiny

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Back to Reality II

The first week of work went okay. Since I've decided to keep my private life and my writing life separate I won't say on this blog where it is I work but let's just say it's a place where there's a procedure for everything and it's also heavily regulated by the government so I'm having to learn a lot about such things.

As for my writing I didn't do much this week, as I've been trying to not only get back into the rhythm of working full-time again but having to ingest so much information from the job during the orientation.

May 1st is this coming Tuesday and I have two projects with due dates in May. Both are short stories so I'll be working on those and I have a novella coming up due at the end of July so if I want to get that done I'll need to start working on it ASAP.

So, all in all, as for my new job, it's a job. I'm grateful for it, but the job of my dreams?


The job of my dreams would be to write for a living. But so far writing has yet, if ever, to provide me with that kind of income. So I work and I write.




Blogger GutterBall said...

I've long since determined that the job of my dreams would be working in a used book store. Sure, I'd love to write for a living, but...oh...to be surrounded by so many books...to read all day...to point others in directions they might not have looked at first....

Yeah. If I ever break even (ie., pay off my house and student loan), that's what I'll do.

4/29/2007 8:07 PM  
Blogger Anna Black said...

Ah, a used bookstore. Yes, I'd love that too. Maybe work in a used bookstore in Paris, oui? On the Left Bank in the Latin Quarter. *grin*

I watched the Da Vinci Code this weekend and have fallen in love with Paris as a result. :)

4/30/2007 6:56 AM  
Blogger Tempest Knight said...

Good to hear things are working well with your full-time job. It's hard to work full time and write, to find a rhythm to combine both.

4/30/2007 9:17 AM  

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