Where Desire Meets Destiny

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Writing and Elizabeth

I'm going to go see Elizabeth: The Golden Age this afternoon.

I guess the reviews have not been that great.

That's okay, I still want to see it. I've seen the first Elizabeth movie that Cate Blanchett starred in at least a dozen times so I defnitely don't want to pass this one up on the big screen.

And Clive Owen is in it.

A local reviewer said that Clive looks like he stepped off the cover of a romance novel.

And that's supposed to be a bad thing? :)

Still writing and moving along fairly well. Not too for behind on my draft for 30,000 word novella and am making progress on my prep for my NaNo novel. The NaNo website seems to be working a lot better too. They were running super-slow for awhile due to all the folks signing on.

Ciao for now!

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Blogger Dixie Belle said...

They referred to him as Puff Daddy in EW. LOL I hope it is a good movie. If it is playing next weekend, I may go.

10/14/2007 9:09 PM  
Blogger Anna Black said...

Well, I have to say that the critics were right on this one. It was disappointing to say the least. :(

If you want to see an excellent portrayal of Elizabeth I get a hold of HBO's version with Helen Mirren as Elizabeth. She won an Emmy and a Golden Globe for her peformance and it was well deserved.

10/15/2007 5:39 PM  
Blogger Bri said...

I went to see Across the Universe this weekend instead of Elizabeth (and regretted that decision :/) I hope Elizabeth is wonderful. That story is one of my favorites of all time - let us know!

And no, him stepping off a romance novel cover is not a bad thing...Clive anywhere is a good thing. :)

10/16/2007 5:52 PM  

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