Where Desire Meets Destiny

Monday, July 16, 2007

Bad Boys

Okay, I have to admit. I have this thing for broody, bad boys. Not that, in real life, I'd want to hang out with them, but in a romance they're so much fun to read.

I've been watching Angel on DVD because, of course, when the show was on I didn't watch it because I was, you know, like totally clueless And yep, I also didn't watch Buffy either, but I intend on fixing that by getting the DVDs from the library.

Thank the Muses for DVDs and free libraries!

Okay, techincally speaking I suppose Angel isn't really a bad boy. Or he's more like a bad boy gone good but still possessing those bad boy attributes. Like the dark clothing and the brooding good looks.

The reason I'm bringing up the topic of Bad Boys is that the hero for my 70 Days project. Rhade, is a bad boy. I'm just trying to decide how bad I want him to be.

Personally, I'd like to push him as far as the envelope will let me push it out. And then, once he meets the heroine, bring him back like a rubber band that snap backs after having been pulled too far.

Not wimp him out. Just soften him up. That's what I like about bad boys when I read about them in stories. They're so very, very bad to the bone and then, wham, the heroine shows up and those bad boy bones start to melt.

Well, I'll see how bad my bad boy gets. I am a prepper when it comes to writing, meaning I put in a bit of prep work before actually drafting my stories, but I also discover my characters as I write about them too. That's part of the fun.

Happy writing!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like those bad boys, too! LOL! We must be crazy. But they are so fun to read and write.

Angel was a great bad boy.

Keep writing on the challenge!

7/16/2007 7:51 AM  
Blogger Portia Da Costa said...

I always intend to write a bad boy... but then they always fight me and start trying to be nice! LOL

7/16/2007 10:03 AM  
Blogger Dixie Belle said...

I love his name!

7/16/2007 12:51 PM  
Blogger Bri said...

If you like Angel and Buffy - you might like Joss Wedon's Firefly. Mal is sort of a broody bad boy thief sort of character. Either way - it's thoroughly enjoyable. :) This weekend, I was on the lookout for other writers in the 70 day challenge who wrote fantasy/scifi - so glad to make your acquaintance. Best of luck with Sven!

7/16/2007 1:21 PM  
Blogger Joely Sue Burkhart said...

I'm right there with you on both--I love bad boys, but never saw the Angel or Buffy series. I have since caught a few episodes, but not many. I can't wait for Rhade's Revenge!!

7/16/2007 9:13 PM  
Blogger Anna Black said...

Thanks, Maude! Yeah, we must be crazy. *grin*

I have to admit that's a problem I have too, Portia.

I agree. It is a great name, Dixie Belle. Angel is a vampire with a soul but when he loses his soul he becomes Angelus, who is pretty much evil personified.

Ah, Mal! Oh, yeah, I'm a BIG Firefly fan, Bri! Thanks for bringing him up. He'll probably, at some point, be the subject of a future post for I think Mal is one of Whedon's more complex characters. Glad to make your acquaintance too! Good luck with the challenge

Hope you get a chance to see both those shows at some point, Joely. I think they will be right up your alley.

7/17/2007 8:00 AM  

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