Where Desire Meets Destiny

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I've Already Encountered a Knot

Okay, if you've noticed, I've yet to post a word count for the 70-Days. That's because---and this is the reason I hesistated to sign up for the challenge----I was already working on a 13,000 word long, short story that I want to get submitted ASAP.

I can't really use this current story for the 70-Days as it can't be longer than 13,000 words, but I really want to get it done before I devote myself to the 70-Days.

So, I'm not going to offiically start until Friday, the 13th, which I believe is the last official day for the sign-up.

I hope that's not breaking the rules or anything but I really must get this current project finished and submitted. I've been working on it too long and the deadline for it is looming.

But I'm pleased to see that so many are already making incredible progress.

Write on!



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