Where Desire Meets Destiny

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The First Day of the Last Month of the Year

It's the first day of the last month of 2007. As the year winds down to a close, I'm taking stock of what I accomplished this year, writing-wise, and what I hope to accomplish next year.

November was a mixed bag for me. On the one hand I did submit my longest piece yet, a 25,000 word novella and last night I submitted a 4,000 word short story.

On the other hand I had to drop out of NaNo and, as a result of a new temporary work assignment, the early morning writing schedule I had established (which had also proved my most productive writing time) was thrown out of wack due to having to go in earlier and a longer early morning commute.

So I didn't write nearly as much in November as I had done in September and October. I still have yet to find a way to write early in the mornings which does not require me having to get up at 3:30 a.m. That's not to say I can't get up that earlier but I also can't say what use I'll be during the day if I do.

However, it' s December 1st and I'm eager to at least wind up the year having achieved a bit more productivity than I did this past month.

I have three projects I'll be working on, two of which have submission deadline dates this month. The two short stories are due this month; the novella I'm working on is one I want to submit whenever it's done.

We're going to have our first major snow storm today. I'm just glad it's happening on a weekend instead of during the week. Last episode of Torchwood tonight so I'm eager to see that. And I'm going to take a look at Tin Man on Sci-Fi Channel tomorrow although so far the reviews have not been that great.

I got the book Rhett Butler's People from the library, which is an authorized sequel to Gone With the Wind that focuses on Rhett. I always liked Rhett. Personally, I didn't think Scarlett deserved him.

Watched the 1949 version of Madame Bovary last night with Jennifer Jones, Van Hefflin and James Mason. What a great movie! And the costumes! Absolutely gorgeous. If you get a chance, check it out.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with your goals an your submissions. Have a great weekend

12/01/2007 12:26 PM  
Blogger Anna Black said...

Thanks, Terra!

12/05/2007 5:28 AM  

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