Where Desire Meets Destiny

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Slow But Steady

Yeah, I know. My numbers so far for the Seventy Days are not that impressive. Not as impressive as some folks.

But I'm fine with that.

You see, I've done this kind of thing before. A little something called NaNoWriMo. It's held every November and the object is to write 50,000 words in a month.

Twice I've succeeded in writing those 50,000 words and twice I've wound up with a big file full of words. Just words.

I know I'm not going to reach 70,000 words by September 20th. And that's cool with me. If I only wind up with 20,000 words I'll be a happy camper. Because my hope is that it will be 20,000 words that I can finally use. 20,000 good words.

Now, I know that part of this challenge is to help us non-contracted writers to get a feel of what it's like to have to write to a contract. And I'm totally with that. It's a good experience.

But I've also struggled with writing a novel for the past three years and I'm determined this time to finally get one done. So for now, since I'm not writing to a contract, I'm not going to put pressure on myself by pretending I am writing to one.

To be honest, I have enough pressure in my life. I'm unemployed, I'm struggling to find work and I'm fighting to keep the wolves from the door. I really don't need any more pressure in my life, thank you very much.

So, maybe I'm not going to sweat like a fiend for this challenge but I am going to write. Every day. And I'm going to enjoy it and, with hope, by the time I'm done I'll have something I can finally feel good about submitting.

This is a race against myself. And for now, my motto is slow but steady.

Happy writing!

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Blogger Portia Da Costa said...

It isn't worth putting too much pressure on yourself just for the sake of it. I'm in Sweat70 mainly for the fun of being part of a giant community effort as much as anything...

Have not done too great these last few days, due to checking proofs, and some stressful stuff going on... but I'm hoping to speed up again soon... although my target is quite modest anyway.



7/18/2007 10:22 AM  
Blogger Anna Black said...

Thanks, Wendy. Sometimes I feel that because I can't give my writing 100% that I'm not serious about it. I wish I could spend all my time writing but unfortunately, Darth Real Life, as I like to call it, intrudes far too often than I would like.

I do want this, the writing. Very much so. But if some days I can only write 200 words or 20 words or 2 words, I'm going to have to live with that. That's life.

Again, thanks so much for stopping by. That's exactly what I needed to hear. :)

7/18/2007 10:35 AM  
Blogger GutterBall said...

Anna, dear, you write as many or as few words as you want in a day, so long as they're wonderfully yours. I'd read your laundry list, kiddo.

I wish there was something I could do to keep the wolves at bay for you, but I'm looking at them askance even as I type. As soon as I hit that PowerBall jackpot, baby, we're ALL sailing! And writing full time, to boot!

Ahem. I wouldn't really hold your breath there. If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all, and if it came down to winning for losing, I'd tie.

7/18/2007 7:57 PM  
Blogger Anna Black said...

Thanks, Gutterball! Yeah, the Powerball. I win it and we all get our own private island with our choice of hot cabana boys to cater to our every whim! *wink*

7/19/2007 8:37 AM  
Blogger Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Oh, boy, I zoned out on the powerball comments. I had images of Molly's pirate-themed mini golf course, too, and cabana boys...

I totally agree with you. Get GOOD words you can use. I'm lucky to hit 500 words a day right now, but I'm hoping to keep most of them. I too have a 50K "novel" that I'm not sure what the heck to do with because it's such a mess.

7/19/2007 11:30 AM  

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